Want faster results

Want Faster Results?

systems transformation virtual assistants Jul 23, 2024

Sometimes the secret to moving faster and achieving more… is actually to slow down.

 It sounds counterintuitive, right? 

 But let's explore this idea, First name / friend.

 When Bill Gates pioneered Microsoft, he didn't just rush through his decisions. His strategic processes and planning set the stage for rapid advancement later on.

 In 1999, Gates published "Business at the Speed of Thought," discussing how businesses need to adapt quickly in a tech-driven world. 

 Gates emphasized that the key differentiation for any company (or individual) lies in how they manage information. It's about setting up a system, a foundation that continuously allows for speed and agility in decision making.

 The key here is this: systems. It's about building your own processes to ensure you have the right information and structure to make quick but informed decisions to move your business forward. 

 Speed without a solid foundation can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities. I think about it like driving a train: both require a solid foundation to prevent derailment and ensure smooth progress and healthy growth toward the right goals.

 I meet many business owners who take pride in their carefully executed decision-making. There's wisdom in this approach if it's about laying the right groundwork for future speed. 

 A strong foundation laid now helps prevent burnout later on when your growth accelerates. 

 I would love to hear your thoughts on this. 

 What are some steps you can take right now to build (or strengthen) the foundation of your business?

 Better yet, what can you start delegating in order to free your focus to what matters most?