From Burnout to Breakthrough

From Burnout to Breakthrough

delegation systems transformation trust virtual assistants Oct 01, 2024


Does your life currently look something like this?

Every day, you find yourself drowning in an endless ocean of work. 

No matter how hard you try, you just can't keep up with the relentless demands of running your business. 

Countless tasks are waiting on you, and it feels like you're stuck on a never-ending hamster wheel.

If you know my story, you know that this is exactly where I was just a few years ago. 

I was on the brink of burnout, juggling multiple roles within my business and missing out on the most important moments in my life. 

My business was growing, but everything in my life was suffering. 

After an incredibly difficult living room conversation on our gold couch with my husband one evening, I knew something had to change. 

That's when I hired my first virtual assistant, Camille, and began developing systems and processes to start refocusing my time on what’s most important in life and business. 

As I developed some amazing processes and systems to work effectively with Camille, my life began to change for the better. 

I started getting time back for what was most important in my business and went from working 50-80 hours a week to as little as 20 hours per week. 

This would never have been possible if I hadn’t taken that first step (which felt like a HUGE risk at the time) by hiring Camille. 

I spent years developing systems, processes, and strategies to ensure that I could continue to grow my business while working less with Camille (and later, a small team) inside my business so I didn’t have to keep “doing it all.”

I started Assistants That Work because I know there are so many of you out there that need this. 

I don’t want you to have to spend years going through what I did in order to get your life back. 

If you’re drowning in work and don’t know what to do next, my team and I are here to help. 

Through our signature program, Systems and Assistants That Work, I've helped hundreds of business owners experience the life-changing benefits of delegating to their self-managing assistants, helping them learn how to delegate everything from administrative duties to content creation, social media management, email, and more so they can focus on what’s most important. 

We’ve had countless clients succeed in streamlining their operations and seeing their businesses flourish.

Some of our clients have even DOUBLED their sales year-over-year and are working significantly LESS than they were before! 

They’re enjoying more time with their loved ones while maintaining a clear focus on the right things in their businesses. 

Their stories are just a few examples of how Assistants That Work has transformed the lives of entrepreneurs like you. 

They’re experiencing increased productivity, reduced costs, enhanced work-life balance, and improved mental well-being – all because they decided to take a chance and embrace the power of life-changing assistants and proven systems.

So, I ask you this: 

Are you ready to break free from the chains of overwhelm and create a thriving, balanced life? 

You can achieve the business and life you’ve always wanted without going through the struggles I faced to "get to the other side."

All it takes is taking that first step, putting in the work, and refusing to give up. 

It's time to step off the hamster wheel and embrace the success and fulfillment that awaits.

I genuinely want you to experience the power of life-changing assistants and systems inside your business. If there is anything I can help answer for you, I’m always here to help.