critical mistake hiring without a plan

A Critical Mistake: Hiring Without a Plan

hiring virtual assistants Jun 13, 2024

Many business leaders make a critical mistake when hiring a VA. 

They hire their VA… but they don’t have a plan. 

They think that hiring a VA will magically solve all their problems. But that isn’t how it works. 

Before you hire a virtual assistant, you need to know how to PARTNER with one in your business!

A life-changing virtual assistant is an extension of your team.

But, they can only be that if BOTH of you are equipped with the best resources and strategies to get the most out of your new partnership. 


Here are five key actions you should consider BEFORE you think about hiring your VA:

  1.  Clearly Define Tasks and Expectations: Start by creating a comprehensive list of tasks that you can delegate to your virtual assistant. I recommend writing these tasks down by hand. These could range from managing emails and schedules to handling specific business operations like social media management, customer communication, or even research tasks. Make sub-bullets of what you expect for each task in terms of outcomes, deadlines, and quality.


  1.  Establish Efficient Communication Channels: Ensure you will have reliable and consistent means of communication. Clear and open communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that your assistant is aligned with your business goals.


  1.   Invest in Training and Onboarding: Even if your virtual assistant is experienced, they'll need to understand your specific business processes and preferences. Spend time initially to train and onboard them effectively. We have a whole host of strategies we recommend in Assistants That Work related to training and getting off to the best start with your VA.


  1.  Set Up a Task Management System: Utilize project management tools like Asana, Trello, or Monday to track progress on tasks. These tools can help you assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress without the need for constant direct communication.


  1.  Provide Feedback and Encourage Development: Regular feedback is CRITICAL. It’s your responsibility as the boss to give feedback. Be prepared to not only acknowledge a job well done but also provide constructive feedback where improvement is needed. Encourage and INVEST in your virtual assistant to grow their skills and knowledge so they can add more value to your business. This could involve supporting them in attending relevant online webinars, courses, or workshops to gain additional skills in your specific niche. 


By following these steps, you can create a productive and mutually beneficial relationship with your virtual assistant right off the bat. 


Don’t make the mistake of hiring your VA without a plan.