Avoid These Common Mistakes

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Jun 20, 2024

There’s great leadership…. and unfortunately, there is also average leadership. 

Average leaders do these 3 THINGS that diminish their effectiveness...



Average leaders get caught up in minutiae... and they even bring it up during meetings.

You'll hear them say things like:

"Let's address this minor issue before we get to our main agenda."

"Just one second, I need to sort out this little thing first."

And other trivial matters that detract from the main focus.

Don't be that leader.

Instead, kick off your meetings with a compelling vision or goal.

Try opening with something like:

"What's our top goal we want to accomplish this week?"

This sets a positive tone and keeps everyone aligned and focused, regardless of minor hiccups.



Average leaders often begin with irrelevant stories.

They'll start a meeting with something like, "Before we dive in, let me tell you about this unrelated incident..."

And they’ll go on and on!

It's like a prelude to the main event that nobody asked for. 

Keep personal anecdotes for another time. Start by clarifying the meeting's objectives or the core message you want to convey. This will ensure everyone is engaged and understands the purpose from the start.



Average leaders frequently highlight their own insecurities...

They'll step into a leadership moment and say:

"I'm not sure I'm the right person for this," or "I feel out of my depth here."

While honesty is valuable, overemphasizing your doubts can shift the focus from your team's mission to your personal feelings.

Remember, leadership is about empowering others, not highlighting your insecurities. Project confidence and focus on serving your team; you'll see your nerves transform into strength.

Be the strong and confident leader your team (and business) needs! 


As always, I’m here to support you. Just comment below. I’d love to see how I can help.